5.1.2 Configure WAN Setup
There are three connection types for the WAN port : Static IP, Dynamic IP and PPPoE.
Please click on System -> WAN and follow the below setting.
In CPE mode, the WAN Port is the Wireless interface.
Î Mode : By default, it’s “Static IP”. Check “Static IP”, “Dynamic IP” or “PPPoE” to set up system WAN IP.
Î Static IP : Users can manually setup the WAN IP address with a static IP provided by WISP.
9 IP Address : The IP address of the WAN port. By default, the IP address is
9 IP Netmask : The Subnet mask of the WAN port. By default, the Netmask is
9 IP Gateway : The default gateway of the WAN port. By default, the Gateway is
Î Dynamic IP : Please consult with WISP for correct wireless settings to associate with WISP AP before a dynamic IP,
along with related IP settings including DNS can be available from DHCP server. If IP Address is not assigned,
please double check with your wireless settings and ensure successful association. Also, you may go to “WAN
Information” in the Overview page to click Release button to release IP address and click Renew button to renew
IP address again.
9 Hostname : The Hostname of the WAN port
Î PPPoE : To create wireless PPPoE WAN connection to a PPPoE server in network.