
Page 96
Allied Telesis AT-8000S Switch
Web Browser Interface User’s Guide
3. Define the STP, Fast Link, Enable Root Guard, Port State Path Cost, Default Path Cost and Priority fields.
4. Click Apply. RSTP is defined for the selected interface, and the device is updated.
5. Click Save Config on the menu, to save changes permanently.
Configuring Multiple Spanning Tree
Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) provides differing load balancing scenarios. For example, while port A is
blocked in one STP instance, the same port can be placed in the Forwarding state in another STP instance.
The MSTP Page contains information for defining global MSTP settings, including region names, MSTP revisions,
and maximum hops.
This section contains the following topics:
Defining MSTP Properties
Defining MSTP Interfaces
Defining MSTP Instances