Unit Object Commands
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stop mediascan
This command applies only to 7000/8000 controllers.
This commands stops a media scan operation on the specified controller /cx.
(Media scans are started using /cx start mediascan.)
Unit Object Commands
Unit Object commands provide information and perform actions related to a
specific unit, such as
/c0/u1 (unit 1 on controller 0). For example, you use
logical disk object commands for such tasks as seeing the rebuild, verify, or
initialize status of a unit, starting, stopping, and resuming rebuilds and
verifies, and setting policies for the unit.
/cx/ux show
/cx/ux show attribute [attribute ...] where attributes are:
initializestatus|cache|name(9000 series)|
qpolicy(9550SX, 9590SE, 9650SE)|rebuildstatus|
serial(9000 series)|status|verifystatus|
storsave(9550SX, 9590SE, 9650SE)|volumes(9000 series)|
ignoreECC (9000 series)|identify (9550SX, 9590SE,
/cx/ux show all
/cx/ux start rebuild disk=<p:-p...> [ignoreECC]
/cx/ux start verify
/cx/ux pause rebuild (7000/8000 only)
/cx/ux resume rebuild (7000/8000 only)
/cx/ux stop verify
/cx/ux flush
/cx/ux del [noscan] [quiet]
/cx/ux set autoverify=on|off
/cx/ux set cache=on|off [quiet]
/cx/ux set identify=on|off (9550SX, 9590SE, 9650SE only)
/cx/ux set ignoreECC=on|off
/cx/ux set qpolicy=on|off (9550SX, 9590SE, 9650SE only)
/cx/ux set name=string (9000 series)
/cx/ux set storsave=protect|balance|perform [quiet](9550SX,
9590SE, 9650SE)
/cx/ux migrate type=
RaidType [disk=p:-p] [group=3|4|5|6|7|8]
[stripe=Stripe] [noscan] [nocache] [autoverify]
(9000 series) RaidType = {raid0, raid1, raid5,
raid6(9650SE only), raid10, raid50, single}
/cx/ux remove [noscan] [quiet]