MIB Compilation and Denition File creation
Before the manager application accesses the SATA RAID controller,
it is necessary to integrate the MIB into the management applica-
tion’s database of events and status indicator codes. This process
is known as compiling the MIB into the application. This process
is highly vendor-specic and should be well-covered in the User’s
Guide of your SNMP application. Ensure the compilation process
successfully integrates the contents of the ARECARAID.MIB le into
the traps database.
SNMP Installation
The installation of the SNMP manager is accomplished in several
• Starting the Firmware-embedded SNMP community congura-
• Installing the SNMP Extension Agent on the server
• Installing the SNMP Manager software on the client
• Placing a copy of the management information base (MIB) in a
directory which is accessible to the management application
• Compiling the MIB description le with the management appli