Asus P5ND2-SLI Computer Hardware User Manual

Chapter 5: Software supportChapter 5: Software support
Chapter 5: Software supportChapter 5: Software support
Chapter 5: Software support
4. Insert floppy disk to floppy disk drive.
5. Follow succeeding screen information to complete process.
6. Write-protect the floppy disk to avoid computer virus infection.
To install the RAID driver:
1. During the OS installation, the system prompts you to press the F6
key to install third-party SCSI or RAID driver.
2. Press <F6>
then insert the floppy disk with RAID driver into the floppy
disk drive.
3. Follow the succeeding screen instructions to complete the installation.
Due to chipset limitation, the Serial ATA ports supported by the NVIDIA
chipset doesn’t support Serial Optical Disk Drives (Serial ODD) under