Asus P5ND2-SLI Computer Hardware User Manual

Chapter 4: BIOS setupChapter 4: BIOS setup
Chapter 4: BIOS setupChapter 4: BIOS setup
Chapter 4: BIOS setup
Phoenix-Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility
Main Advanced Power Boot Exit
Select Menu
Item Specific Help
Press Enter to Set
JumperFree Configuration
Speech Configuration
LAN Cable Status
PEG Link Mode
CPU Configuration
Onboard Device Configuration
USB Configuration
SLI Configuration
4.4 Advanced menu
The Advanced menu items allow you to change the settings for the CPU
and other system devices.
Take caution when changing the settings of the Advanced menu items.
Incorrect field values can cause the system to malfunction.
F1:Help ↑↓ : Select Item -/+: Change Value F5: Setup Defaults
ESC: Exit →←: Select Menu Enter: Select Sub-menu F10: Save and Exit