Asus P5Q Computer Hardware User Manual

4-50 Chapter 4: Software support
Using ASUS Drive Xpert
Without drivers or BIOS setups, the ASUS exclusive Drive Xpert is ideal for anyone
who needs to secure data on their hard drives or enhance hard drive performances
without the hassles of complicated congurations.
To start ASUS Drive Xpert application
Make necessary backup before using the Drive Xpert function:
All original data of the hard drive connected to the SATA_E2 (white, port 1)
and SATA_E4 (white, port 3) connectors on the motherboard will be erased
for EZ Backup setup
All original data of the hard drives will be erased for Super Speed setup.
1. Open the ASUS Utility panel.
Open ASUS Utility Panel
2. Launch Drive Xpert from the ASUS
Utility Panel.
3. Choose which drive set you would
like to apply Drive Xpert settings.