Asus P5Q Computer Hardware User Manual

ASUS P5Q Premium 4-53
5. The setup is completed. Click
OK to close the conguration
Conguring Express Gate in BIOS Setup
Enter BIOS setup by pressing DEL key after powering on or by clicking on the
BIOS setup icon on Express Gate’s rst screen. Express Gate conguration
options are under Tools conguration menu page. See page 3-41 for details.
ASUS EZ Flash 2
Express Gate [Enabled]
Enter OS Timer [10 Seconds]
Reset User Data [10]
ASUS O.C. Prole
Press ENTER to run
the utility to select
and update BIOS.
This utility doesn't
support :
1.NTFS format
Main Ai Tweaker Advanced Power Boot
Tools Exit
Express Gate Updater
Use the Express Gate Updater to update your existing Express Gate software to
new versions or to restore the Express Gate software if it is ever corrupted. You
can nd Express Gate Updater Installer on the support DVD or download it from
the ASUS support website. It runs on Windows.
New versions of the Express Gate software will be released regularly, adding
renements or new applications. You can nd original version of the software
on the support DVD or download new versions from the ASUS support website.
Express Gate software is released as an image le with .DFI extension.
To install the Express Gate Updater, launch the installer and follow on-screen