Using the Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter
Vital product data
Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide 59
November 2003
Viewing vital product data
To view the VPD data for the S8500 Media Server:
1 Log into the RSA. For information, see Connecting and logging in to the RSA on page 20.
2 In the navagation pane, select Vital Product Data under the Monitors heading.
The VPD window appears (see Figure 32, Vital product data,
on page 59).
Figure 32: Vital product data
3 Scroll down to view the VPD readings listed in the following tables.
Table 7: Machine level VPD
Field Function
Machine type Identifies the type of server the RSA is monitoring.
Machine model Identifies the model number of the server the RSA is monitoring.
Serial number Identifies the serial number of the server the RSA is monitoring.
UUID Identifies the universal unique identifier (UUID), a 32-digit hexadecimal
number, of the server that the RSA is monitoring.