Chapter 5: CPS Appliance Commands 57
Server Security command
The Server Security command specifies the authentication method, enables/disables access
methods and enables/disables security lock-out. For more information, see Using Authentication
Methods on page 24, Enabling plain text Telnet and SSH connections on page 19 and Using
security lock-out on page 27.
When you enter this command, you are prompted to confirm or cancel the specified information.
Access right: SCON
Server Set command
The Server Set command changes CPS appliance address information. You may specify one, two
or all three parameters. A reboot is required if you change the IP address.
Table 5.16: Server Security Command Parameters
Parameter Description
Authentication method. Multiple values may be specified, separated by commas.
Valid values are:
DS Use DSView software server(s) for authentication.
LOCAL Use the local CPS user database to authenticate users.
RADIUS Use the previously defined RADIUS server(s) to authenticate users.
NONE Do not authenticate users. This method cannot be used when SSH access
is enabled, and it cannot be combined with other authentication methods.
Default = LOCAL,DS
Enables/disables plain text Telnet or SSH connections. To enable both, specify both
values, separated by a comma. Valid values are:
SSH Enables SSH connections.
None Enables plain text Telnet connections.
Default = None
Specifies the mode when DSView software authentication is used. Secure indicates
authentication will be locked to one DSView software server after initial access, and
DSView software server and appliance credentials will be stored. Trustall indicates
that any DSView software server may be used for authentication, and DSView
software server credentials will not be stored or validated.
Clears any stored credentials used by the DSView software, including the
DSMode setting.
Enables or disables security lock-out. To enable, specify the number of hours in the
lock-out period, in the range 1-99. To disable, specify a zero value.
Default = 0 (disabled)