Belkin F1DP116SEA Server User Manual

Serial Ports
Use the hyperlink located at the bottom of the Connect Page to test your Java compatibility.
Or use the link below to download the latest Java version.
Make sure that you enable your browser’s Java support option and also check your Java
Runtime Environment version (known as JRE version). You will need version 1.6.0 or above if
you also need secure HTTP service (HTTPS).
1. Select the telnet protocol under “Serial > Configuration > Operation mode”.
Select “Connect” from the top menu and click on the terminal icon on the left. The terminal-
emulation application will pop up in a new window and prompt you to log in. If you see a
blank window, check your system for Java-version compatibility.
• Inordertorunthisfunction,thesystemrequiresinstallingJREversion6.0and
above. You can get the Java software from the website