Command: Xn Result Code Selection
Values: n=0–7
Default: 4
Description: X0 Basic result codes (for example, CONNECT); does
not look for dial tone or busy signal.
X1 Extended result codes (for example, CONNECT
46000 V42bis); does not look for dial tone or busy
X2 Extended result codes with NO DIALTONE; does not
look for busy signal.
X3 Extended result codes with BUSY; does not look for
dial tone.
X4 Extended result codes with NO DIALTONE and
X5 Extended result codes with NO DIALTONE and
X6 Extended result codes with NO DIALTONE and
X7 Basic result codes with NO DIALTONE and BUSY.
Command: Yn Long Space Disconnect
Values: n=0
Default: 0
Description: Y0 Disable sending or responding to long space break
signal on disconnect.
Y1 Enable sending or responding to long space break
signal on disconnect. (Not supported.)
Command: Zn Modem Reset
Values: n=0 or 1
Default: None
Description: Z0 Reset modem to profile saved by the last &W
Z1 Same as Z0.
Command: &Bn V.32 Auto Retrain
Values: n=1
Default: 1
Description: &B0 Disable V.32 auto retrain. (Not supported.)
&B1 Enable V.32 auto retrain.