Register Unit Range Default Description
S109 decimal 0–2 1 Sets one of three 56-kbps
operating modes: K56flex
mode, V.90 mode, or Auto-
mode. S109=2 forces V.90
connections for testing
purposes, etc. S109 sets the
56-kbps operating mode as
shown below:
0=V.90 disabled
1=K56flex or V.90 (Dual mode
2=V.90 only (K56flex disabled).
4.3 Result Codes
In command mode, your modem can send responses called result codes to your
computer. Result codes are used by communications programs and can also
appear on your monitor.
Terse Verbose Description
0 OK Command executed
1 CONNECT Modem connected to line
2 RING Ring signal detected
3 NO CARRIER Carrier signal lost or not detected
4 ERROR Invalid command
5 CONNECT 1200 Connected at 1200 bps
6 NO DIALTONE No dial tone detected
7 BUSY Busy signal detected
8 NO ANSWER No answer at remote end