Conettix C900V2 | Installation Guide | 5.0 Anti-Substitution Protection
18 Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 8/08 | F01U087780-01
28. At the C:\> prompt, type ping <IP Address>
and press [ENTER].
Four reply messages are received, confirming
the C900V2 is communicating on the network.
Configuration of the C900V2 is complete.
5.0 Anti-Substitution
1. Remove power from the C900V2.
2. Set DIP Switch 9 to the ON position (the
factory default). Refer to Section 3.2 Setting
the DIP Switches on page 8.
3. Apply power to the C900V2.
After rebooting the C900V2, the unit exchanges
numeric keys with the receiver, and they become
synchronized. Once they are synchronized, all
subsequent communications sessions numerically
validate the authenticity of the sender and receiver.
Each session generates an entirely new set of
keys, which invalidates the replay of authentic