Brocade Communications Systems 53-1001778-01 Computer Accessories User Manual

Brocade SMI Agent User’s Guide 41
Debugging and logging options configuration
4. To enable file logging:
a. Check the Enable File logging check box.
b. Type the full path to the log file, or click Select File to browse for the file location.
c. Type the size of the log file (in kilobytes). The log file size can be between 1 and 51200
kilobytes (between 1024 and 52428800 bytes).
d. Type the number of log files.
To disable file logging, clear the Enable File logging check box.
5. Click Apply.
The changes take effect when you restart the server. Click Start Server to restart the server.
FIGURE 25 Configure logging options
Log file examples
The SMI-A trace information is appended to the log file each time the SMI-A is started. The following
example shows the sample contents of the log file the first time the SMI-A is started:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows=1252" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE log SYSTEM "logger.dtd">
The next example shows the contents of the log file on the subsequent startup. The text in bold is
the contents from the second time the SMI-A was started.