Press button One time Two times Three times Four times Five times
2 A B C 2 A
3 D E F 3 D
4 G H I 4 G
5 J K L 5 J
6 M N O 6 M
7 P Q R S 7
8 T U V 8 T
9 W X Y Z 9
• Inserting spaces
To enter a space in a fax number, press c once between numbers. To enter a space in a
name, press c twice between characters.
• Making corrections
If you entered a character incorrectly and want to change it, press d or c to move the cursor to
the incorrect character, and then press Clear.
• Repeating letters
To enter a letter on the same button as the previous letter, press c to move the cursor right
before pressing the button again.
• Special symbols and characters
Press *, # or 0, then press d or c to move the cursor to the symbol or character you want.
Press OK to select it. The symbols and characters that are available on dial pad buttons are
shown in the table.
Press * (space) ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / €
Press # : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ \ ~ ‘ | { }
Press 0 É À È Ê Î Ç Ë Ö 0
• Set Your Station ID on page 31
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