Overview of Sales Management
Sales Management Functions
Sales Management is an application for managing store sales. The main functions of Sales
Management are introduced here.
Registering Sales
This function registers customer orders and creates a bill. Orders from customers can be registered
quickly and easily by using the touch screen menu and/or barcode scanner.
Cash Management
This function manages the cash in the drawer. The cash that is put into and taken out of the drawer
is recorded to manage the cash in the drawer.
Checking Sales
This function allows the status of a day’s sales to be checked. There are two functions, a sales
report function, which allows a quick check of the day’s sales numbers, the number of customers
and cash in the drawer, and a sales analysis function, which allows for a detailed examination of
sales broken down by product, department, etc.
Settling Sales
This function balances the sales results for the day. It categorizes and totals the record of sales for
the day and prints out a settlement report. If an SD card is used, sales slips of registered sales and
total results can be saved.
Recording Operations
This function records operations that are performed. The operations made using Sales Management
are recorded automatically as an electronic journal. The recorded electronic journal can be reviewed
and/or printed at any time.
The Job of Managing Sales
Sales Management manages the sales in one-day units, from Open to Sales Reset. Following is a
description of the workow throughout the day.
Work Before Opening
Check the power
Make sure the plug is securely plugged into the power outlet. Turn the switch ON and cancel the
sleep mode.
Check the printer paper
Open the printer cover and check that there is enough printer paper on the roll.
Check the date and time
Check that the date and time shown at top-right are correct.
Opening for business
Check the business day (the day the sales are recorded) and open the store.
Prepare change
Put change in the drawer and register the amount.
Work while Open
Register sales
Register customer orders and settle checks.
Check sales
Check the status of sales as needed.
Work after Closing
Check cash in the drawer
Check cash in the drawer and register it.
Check sales
Settle the sales results for the day. Check the day’s sales results against the settlement report.