— 123 —
This bar code, consisting of alphanumerics, has
a variable length of columns. Available characters
include “0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D $ + – . / :”. A
start/stop code is required; any one of A, B, C,
and D is used.
CODE93 This bar code, consisting of alphanumeric and
control characters, has a variable length of
columns. The HRI character string is preceded and
followed by a “■” character. HRI characters for
control characters (00H - 1FH, and 7FH) are each
printed as a combination of a “■” character and
an alphabetic character.
Control character
HRI character
Control character
HRI character
NUL 00 ■ U DLE 10 ■ P
SOH 01 ■ ADC111 ■ Q
STX 02 ■ BDC212 ■ R
ETX 03 ■ CDC313 ■ S
EOT 04 ■ DDC414 ■ T
ENQ 05 ■ E NAK 15 ■ U
ACK 06 ■ F SYN 16 ■ V
BEL 07 ■ G ETB 17 ■ W
BS 08 ■ H CAN 18 ■ X
HT 09 ■ IEM19■ Y
LF 0A ■ J SUB 1A ■ Z
VT 0B ■ K ESC 1B ■ A
FF 0C ■ LFS1C■ B
CR 0D ■ MGS1D ■ C
SO 0E ■ NRS1E■ D
SI 0F ■ 0US1F■ E
DEL 7F ■ T