Clickfree C2 Computer Drive User Manual

Clickfree C2 Portable Backup Drive (Macintosh) Backing up my content (HD)
b. Click .
c. Click Yes.
Clickfree then reformats the Backup Drive.
When the Clickfree backup starts to run, a
Welcome window appears and shows the
number of seconds left before the backup starts automatically:
Note: After you have backed up content on your Portable Backup Drive,
View Files and
Restore/Transfer buttons appear.
Unless you stop the countdown by clicking a button, at the end of the countdown period
Clickfree starts the backup.
If you want to let Clickfree decide what needs to be backed up from where, then
you’re done: just relax and let Clickfree work.
Without any effort on your part, Clickfree is safeguarding your valuable content!
For details, see “What gets backed up?” on page 10.