Bar Codes
A fixed-length data string of 7 ASCII characters may be printed using the EAN
8 bar code. The string length must be 7 and may use any of the standard
characters 0 through 9. If a non-valid character or string length is used, a
blank non-readable bar code will be printed; non-valid characters are not
substituted or deleted. The width of the printed bar code is not variable and is
1.25 inches.
A fixed-length data string of 12 ASCII characters may be printed using the
EAN 13 bar code. The string length must be 12 and may use any of the
standard characters 0 through 9. If a non-valid character or string length is
used, a blank non-readable bar code will be printed; non-valid characters are
not substituted or deleted. The width of the printed bar code is not variable
and is 1.56 inches.
Royal Mail
A variable length data string may be printed using the “Royal Mail 4 State
Customer Code”. The string may use any character from 0 through 9 and
alpha characters A through Z. A complete bar code consists of a set of distinct
bars and spaces for each character followed by a checksum character and
enclosed by a unique start bar, stop bar and quiet zone. A second version of
the Royal Mail barcode prints with no stop bar, start bar or checksum
The UCC/EAN-128 bar code contains special characters which use unique
codes to identify the leading and trailing end of the bar code. EAN/UCC 128
supports a full ASCII character set and provides standard alphanumeric
keyboard characters and control and special characters.
The UCC/EAN-128 data structure requires an Application Identifier (AI) at the
beginning of barcode data. Each AI determines the format and length of the
data which follows. Refer to Table 12 for more detail.
Table 12. UCC/EAN-128 Application Identifiers
Identifier (AI)
Content Format
00 Serial Shipping Container Code n2+n18
02 Item Num. of Goods Within Another Unit n2+n14
10 Batch or Lot Number n2+an..20
11 (*) Production Date (YYMMDD) n2+n6
13 (*) Packaging Date (YYMMDD) n2+n6
15 (*) Sell By Date (Quality) (YYMMDD) n2+n6
17 (*) Expiration Date (Safety) (YYMMDD) n2+n6