
Chapter 2 Configuring the PCL-II Emulation with Control Codes
(*)To indicate only year and month, DD must be filled with “00”
(**) Plus one digit for length indication
(***) Plus one digit for decimal point indication
Data Value Representation:
a - alphabetic characters n - numeric characters
an - alpha-numeric characters n3 - 3 numeric characters, fixed length
an..3 - up to 3 alpha-numeric characters n..3 - up to 3 numeric characters
US Postnet Barcodes
The printer can print barcodes in three different formats. The default, 24 bars
per inch, uses the same syntax as the other barcodes. It is suggested to use
the ESC*Z0Q command to disable placement of a header on postal barcodes.
The printer will also print barcodes using the 256X format for 20 and 22.5 bars
per inch postal barcodes. See the section on 256X - US Barcodes for more
details. 5525B/31/32 style Postnet barcodes will automatically generate the
check digit if it is not present. The 256X-compatibility barcodes require the
host to generate the check digit. If a non-valid character or string length is
used, a blank non-readable bar code will be printed; non-valid characters are
not substituted or deleted. The width of the printed bar code is not variable
and is 1.33 (5 digit), 2.17 (9 digit), or 2.59 (11 digit) inches.
8003 UPC/EAN Number and Serial Number or Returnable Asset n4+n14+an..16
8004 UCC/EAN Serial Identification n4+an..30
8005 Identifies the Price Per Unit of Measure n4+n6
8006 Component of an Article n4+n14+n2+n2
8018 Service Relation Number n4+n18
8100 Coupon Extended Code-Number System Character and Offer n4+n1+n5
8101 Coupon Extended Code-Number System Character, Offer and End of Offer n4+n1+n5+n4
8102 Coupon Extended Code-Number System Character Preceded by Zero n4+n1+n1
90 Mutually Agreed, Between Trading Partners n2+an..30
91 Intra-Company (Internal) n2+an..30
92 Intra-Company (Internal) n2+an..30
93 Intra-Company (Internal) n2+an..30
94 Intra-Company (Internal) n2+an..30
95 Internal-Carriers n2+an..30
96 Internal-Carriers n2+an..30
97 Intra-Company (Internal) n2+an..30
98 Intra-Company (Internal) n2+an..30
99 Internal n2+an..30
Table 12. UCC/EAN-128 Application Identifiers (continued)
Identifier (AI)
Content Format