Listing of Tables
Table 10.11: Event Handlers Table (cont.)
Field Type Description
handler char(32) handler script to run
10.2.8 The Fields Table
The fields table shown in Table 10.12, defines which RMS objects and attributes can be
created and modified using rcontrol (see Page 5-20), identifying them by a table name
and field name within that table.
Table 10.12: Fields Table
Field Type Description
name char(16) name of the field
tablename char(16) name of the table
access char(8) currently unused; always set to admin
type char(16) defines the type of value
rangemin int minimum value
rangemax int maximum value
textattr text specifies how values are validated
The value of the type field determines how rcontrol checks the validity of values
entered by an administrator. The type field may hold one of the values shown in
Table 10.13.
Table 10.13: Type Values
Value Description
null no checking
selectedtext textattr gives a comma-separated list of valid values
integer entry must be in range bounded by min and max
relation textattr gives a tablename.fieldname pair; entry must
be a value of fieldname in tablename
Values in the attributes table are not checked using this method; the valid values for
attributes are built into rcontrol.
The RMS Database 10-11