Compaq SC RMS Server User Manual

Before allocating resources, prun checks the resource limits imposed on the current
project. The project can be specified explicitly with the -P option. This overrides the
value of the environment variable RMS_PROJECT or any default setting in the users
table. (See Section 10.2.24).
By default, when running a parallel program, prun forwards standard input to the
process with an identifier of 0. The -i option requests a different mode of operation.
Valid values for mode and their meanings are as follows:
rank Forward standard input to the process that is identified by rank
where 0 rank n-1 and n is the number of processes in the
all Broadcast standard input to all of the processes.
none Do not forward standard input.
file prun opens the named file and associates it with the standard input
stream so that each process reads standard input from the file. If the
file does not exist, a read returns EOF.
file.% prun expands the % character to generate and open a separate file
name for each process: process 0 reads standard input from file.0,
process 1 reads standard input from file.1 and so on. If the file does
not exist, a read returns EOF.
If the mode is rank or all, prun polls its standard input and forwards the data to the
rmsloader of the application process (or processes if the mode is all). rmsloader
writes the data to the standard input pipe for the process. This write may fail if the pipe
is full, the application has not read the data. If this happens, rmsloader will
periodically attempt to resend the data to the pipe. prun will not poll for further
standard input until it has received an acknowledgement from the process (or all
processes in the case of broadcast input) to say that this operation has completed.
The -o and -e options control the redirection and filtering of standard output and
standard error respectively. Valid values for mode and their meanings for these options
are as follows:
rank Redirect to prun standard output (or standard error) from the process
identified by rank where 0 rank n-1 and n is the number of
processes in the program.
all Redirect standard output (or standard error) from all processes to
prun. This is the default.
5-14 RMS Commands