Compaq SC RMS Server User Manual

The following environment variables may be used to identify resource requirements and
modes of operation to prun. These environment variables are used where no equivalent
command line options are given:
RMS_IMMEDIATE Controls whether to exit rather than block if resources are not
immediately available. The -I option overrides the value of this
environment variable. By default, prun blocks until resources become
available. Root resource requests are always met.
RMS_KEEP_CORE Controls whether core files are saved. Overrides the default
behaviour set by the system administrator.
RMS_MEMLIMIT The maximum amount of memory required per process in megabytes.
This must be less than or equal to the limit set by the system
RMS_PARTITION Specifies the name of a partition. The -p option overrides the value of
this environment variable.
RMS_PROJECT The name of the project with which the job should be associated for
scheduling and accounting purposes. The -P option overrides the
value of this environment variable.
RMS_TIMELIMIT Specifies the execution time limit in seconds. The program will be
signaled either after this time has elapsed or after any time limit
imposed by the system has elapsed. The shorter of the two time limits
is used.
RMS_DEBUG Whether to execute in verbose mode and display diagnostic messages.
Setting a value of 1 or more generates additional information that
may be useful in diagnosing problems. (See
Section 9.6).
Specifies the time allowed in seconds between the first process exit
and the last. This option can be useful in parallel programs where one
process can exit leaving the others blocked in interprocess
communication. It should be used in conjunction with an exit barrier
at the end of correct execution of the program.
RMS_STDINMODE Specifies the mode for forwarding standard input to a parallel
program. The -i option overrides the value of this environment
variable. Values for mode are the same as those used with the -i
5-16 RMS Commands