Compatible Systems 5.4 Network Router User Manual

Chapter 6 - VPN Ports and LAN-to-LAN Tunnels 97
Chapter 6 - VPN Ports and
LAN-to-LAN Tunnels
Add VPN Port Dialog Box
Add VPN Port Dialog Box
This section configures VPN tunnel parameters and defines a virtual port for
LAN-to-LAN tunnel traffic.
VPN (Virtual Private Network) ports are added to the edit area of a device by
right-clicking on any configuration item for the device, then choosing VPN
Port/Add VPN Port from the popup menu. The Add VPN Port Dialog Box
will open in the Main Window and will allow you to select a number for the
port. To delete a VPN port, right-click on the ports icon, then choose VPN
Port/Delete VPN Port. These functions are also available in the File menu.
A VPN port is a virtual port which handles tunneled traffic. Tunnels are
virtual point-to-point connections through a public network such as the
Internet. All packets sent through a VPN tunnel are IP-encapsulated packets,
including AppleTalk, IPX and even IP packets. This encapsulation is added
or removed, depending on the direction, by Tunnel Partner routers. Once a
packet reaches the remote Tunnel Partner, the TCP/IP encapsulation is
stripped off, leaving the original protocol. The unencapsulated packet is then
handled according to the VPN ports protocol configuration settings.
Networks connected via a tunnel will communicate as if they are on the same
network, even though they are separated by the Internet.