Compatible Systems 5.4 Network Router User Manual

Chapter 2 - IP Routing & Bridging 21
Chapter 2 - IP Routing & Bridging
TCP/IP Routing: Ethernet Dialog Box
TCP/IP Routing: Ethernet Configuration Dialog Box
v Note: If you need more information about the IP protocol, see IP 101 in
the Appendices to this manual.
To access this dialog box, select Ethernet/TCP/IP Routing from the Device
> IP Routing/Bridging/Off
This set of radio buttons controls how IP packets are handled for this inter-
If set to IP Routing, then IP packets received on this interface are routed
to the correct interface on the router.
If set to IP Bridging, then any IP packets received on this interface are
forwarded to the routers internal bridge. This setting makes this Ethernet
interface a member of the IP Bridge Group for this router.