Compatible Systems 5.4 Network Router User Manual

Chapter 3 - IPX Routing & Bridging 65
To access this dialog box, select VPN/IPX Routing in the Device View.
> IPX Routing/Bridging/Off
This set of radio buttons controls how IPX packets are handled for this
If set to IPX Routing, then IPX packets received on this interface are
routed to the correct interface on the device.
If set to IPX Bridging, then any IPX packets received on this interface
are forwarded to the devices internal bridge. This setting makes this
interface a member of the IPX Bridge Group for this device.
v Note: The IPX Bridging radio button will be grayed out unless bridging
has been turned on globally for the device using the Main Bridging Configu-
ration Dialog Box (under Global/Bridging) and locally on this interface
using the VPN-Bridging Dialog Box (under VPN/Bridging).
If it is set to IPX Off, then any IPX packets received on this interface are
Numbered Interface
This checkbox determines whether the VPN port will have an IPX network
number associated with it.
VPN tunnels are essentially point-to-point links. These links do not generally
require a network number because all traffic sent from one end is, by defini-
tion, destined for the other end. However, you may wish to assign an address
for network tracking purposes.
Network Number
This IPX Network Number is an eight-digit hexadecimal number that
uniquely identifies the network segment(s) connected to this interface. Values
range from 1 to FFFFFFFE.
v Note: Accidental selection of an IPX network number which is already in
use on another network segment may cause hard-to-diagnose problems. You
should carefully track which IPX network numbers are in use, and where they
are used.
> Update Method
VPN links which are configured to provide dial-on-demand service will
bring a connection up (i.e. dial the other end) when there are network packets
which must be transferred over the link. Once a dial-on-demand connection
is up, network traffic passing across the link causes the inactivity timer for the
link to be reset, keeping the connection up.