Compatible Systems 5.4 Network Router User Manual

120 Chapter 7 - VPN Client Tunnels
agated throughout an internet. The IPX Packet Type 20 is designated to
perform broadcast propagation for these protocols. This checkbox specifies
whether IPX Packet Type 20 should be rebroadcast through the tunnel.
If checked, IPX Packet Type 20 packets will not be rebroadcast during
tunnel sessions. This is useful for reducing the bandwidth load on the
If left unchecked, these propagated packets will be rebroadcast during
tunnel sessions.
Assign IPX Radius
This checkbox specifies whether a RADIUS server can be used to assign IPX
addresses to VPN users.
If checked, communication with a RADIUS server must be configured,
and be set up to serve the IPX addresses.
If left unchecked, IPX addresses will be assigned using the address pool
specified by the Local IPX Net.
v Note: For more information on RADIUS configuration, see Chapter 14 -
VPN Group Configuration IPX Filters Tab
VPN Group Configuration IPX Filters Tab