Compatible Systems 5.4 Network Router User Manual

Chapter 3 - IPX Routing & Bridging 67
v Note: Novells router specification recommends that type 20 packets not
be propagated across links with bandwidths of less than 1 megabit per second
(such as asynchronous dial-up links and 56K leased lines).
IPX Routing: Bridge Configuration Dialog Box
Bridge Logical Diagram
v Note: If you need more information about bridging, see Bridging 101
in the Appendices to this manual.
Bridging operates on physical network addresses (such as Ethernet
addresses), rather than logical addresses (such as IPX addresses). From the
standpoint of IPX networking, interfaces which are set to bridge IPX between
themselves appear as a single logical entity.
Thus, a devices IPX Bridge Group is made up of all of the physical
network interfaces in a device which have been set to bridge IPX. This setting
can be found in the IPX Configuration Dialog Box for each individual phys-
ical interface. For example, see the IPX Routing/Bridging/Off radio buttons
in the IPX Routing: Ethernet Configuration Dialog Box.
Port 0
Port 1
Port 2
Port 3
IP Bridge Group
IPX Bridge Group
Multiport Router/Switch