User’s Manual ix
This manual contains information about installing and operating the Falcon
Management Utility (FMU). It covers both Microsoft Windows
CE and
Windows Mobile
(WM) operating systems.
•This “Preface” describes the style and formatting conventions used in
this manual.
• “Getting Started”on page 1 tells you how to install and set up FMU.
• “About FMU”on page 11 provides an overview of the FMU concepts
and usage, as well as a description of the various components.
• “FMU Operation”on page 25 gives information on how to use FMU,
including terminal configuration and how to transfer data to and
from the portable device.
• “Configuration Settings”on page 41 provides details about the config-
uration settings available in FMU.
• “Terminal to FMU Server Communications”on page 49 provides
instructions for direct connect and RF configuration of terminals.
• Appendix A
, “SNMP Interface”on page 59, discusses the SNMP tech-
nology used in FMU.
• Appendix B
, “DHCP Server Setup”on page 61, discusses setting up a
DHCP Server so FMU can use DHCP Discovery.
• Appendix C, “Troubleshooting”on page 63 provides troubleshooting
information and error messages. This section also includes contact
information for Datalogic Mobile Technical Support.
• Appendix D, “Glossary”on page 77 lists selected terms used in this
Reference the Product Reference Guide (PRG) for your terminal type to get
additional information specific to that model.
Depending on the version of your device’s operating system, you might see some
slight differences between your screen and those described in this manual.