Getting Started
2 Falcon
Management Utility (FMU)
This section covers the following topics:
• “Introduction” on page 2
• “Before You Begin” on page 5
• “System Requirements” on page 4
• “Setting Up FMU” on page 8
• “FMU Server Architecture” on page 9
Datalogic Mobile’s Falcon Management Utility (FMU) is designed to help you
install, configure, and manage your deployment of Windows-based Datalogic
mobile computers and PDAs.
FMU can manage multiple terminals simultaneously over a wireless network,
on a USB bus, or via ActiveSync. FMU sets a new industry standard, using the
latest technology to create a reliable, automated, and easy-to-use system for
remote management of terminals.
• Lower deployment cost — new terminals are automatically config-
• Lower maintenance cost — automated, rapid deployment of configu-
ration, firmware and files.
• Better-maintained hardware.
•Faster recovery times.