
Character Attributes
Emphasized Printing Mode ESC U n
The Emphasized printing mode command will cause the printer to print text with bold appearance.
0 Emphasized Mode Off
Emphasized Mode On
Note that on power up the printer defaults to emphasized mode off.
Example1: The following escape sequence will enable the Emphasized printing mode.
Escape Sequence: ESC U 1
Hexadecimal: 1B 55 31
Decimal: 27 85 49
All characters following this command will be emphasized. The emphasized command is terminated either by the Esc U
0 command or by cycling the printer power.
Example 2: The following escape sequence will disable the emphasized printing mode.
Escape Sequence: ESC U 0
Hexadecimal: 1B 55 30
Decimal: 27 85 48
Underline Printing Mode ESC U n
Underline printing mode may be used to underline text.
U Underline Mode ON
u Underline Mode OFF
Note that on power up the printer defaults to underline mode off.
Example1: The following escape sequence will enable the underline printing mode.
Escape Sequence: ESC U U
Hexadecimal: 1B 55 55
Decimal: 27 85 85
All characters following this command will be underlined. The underline command is terminated either by the Esc U u
command or by cycling the printer power.
Example 2: The following escape sequence will disable the underline printing mode.
Escape Sequence: ESC U u
Hexadecimal: 1B 55 75
Decimal: 27 85 117