10 E-3202 Printer
Left Button Functions:
Ø With the printer OFF, a short push will turn the printer ON.
Ø With the printer ON, a short push will toggle the printer from « ON LINE »
to « OFF LINE » mode.
Ø With the printer OFF, a long push will turn the printer ON and put the printer
into dump mode.
Ø With the printer ON, a long push will reset the printer and return the previous
Right Button Functions:
Ø With the printer « OFF LINE » and paper roll selected, a short push will feed
a blank line.
Ø With the printer « OFF LINE » and paper roll selected, a long push will feed
a full page.
Ø With the printer « OFF LINE » and label roll selected, any push will feed a
blank label.
Ø Resets the printer to the previous mode before it was automatically switched
to the idle mode.
Ø With the printer « OFF LINE » hold the button down until the Autotest page
prints, (about 2 seconds).
Note: A simultaneous push on both buttons when the printer is OFF brings up
the configuration menu that will be printed on the paper roll.
4.1.2 Operating Mode and Indicator Status
Operating Mode Comments
OFF Flashing Printer ON, idle mode Indicator flashing every 2
ON ON Printer ON , « ON LINE »
ON OFF Printer ON, « OFF LINE »
ON Blinking Printer ON
Setting Mode
Indicator Blinking
Blinking OFF Printer ON, no paper Indicator Blinking
Blinking OFF Printer ON, head up Indicator Blinking
ON Blinking Printer ON, head too hot Indicator Blinking
Blinking Blinking Download Flash Memory Update
ON ON Printer in dump mode Dump mode written on first line
ON ON Printer in Autotest mode Autotest written on first line