dCS 974 User Manual Manual for Software Version 1.0x
dCS Ltd May 2001
Manual part no: DOC1241121A1
Page 67
Document No: OS-MA-A0124-112.1A1
on + 44 1799 531 999 email to: more@dcsltd.co.uk
(inside the UK replace + 44 with 0) web site: www.dcsltd.co.uk
Signal Outputs
AES/EBU Digital Outputs 3 pin XLR Male (4 off – AES 1, AES 2, AES 3, AES 4)
Used for AES3 format signals. AES 1 and AES 2 (or AES 3 and AES 4) are
used together in Dual AES mode. All four outputs are used together for Quad
AES or DSD Quad modes. In single AES modes, AES 2, AES 3 and AES 4
outputs follow the AES 1 output.
AES/EBU Clock Output 3 pin XLR Male (1 off – AES CLK OUT)
AES CLK OUT carries an AES3 clock signal at the same sample rate as the
AES 1 output. It is used for synchronising equipment connected to the outputs
of the unit.
SPDIF Outputs Various (3 off - RCA OUT, BNC OUT, TOS OUT)
Used for SPDIF outputs. Pull the plastic dust cover out of the TOS output before
DSD/SDIF Output BNC (3 off – CH1 OUT, CH2 OUT, WCLK OUT)
The lower group of three DSD/SDIF connectors form an output interface. Used
as a set for SDIF-2 (PCM or DSD) or SDIF-3 (DSD only) outputs.
WCLK OUT carries Wordclock at the same rate as that appearing on the AES 1
output. It may be used to synchronise equipment connected to any of the dCS
974 data outputs.
(The lower LOOP IN connector is intended for future enhancements.)
Control and Power
Remote 9 pin D type Female (2 off, Remote In and Loop Out)
For remote control via a PC, and/or downloading software updates. Remote In
and Loop Out sockets allow daisy chaining of several different dCS units from
one PC COM port.
Mains Supply 3 pin IEC (CEE22)
Switched, fused and filtered IEC power inlet, for a 50 or 60 Hz AC supply.
Additional Information
As well as connectors, the rear panel displays the following information about
the unit, near the mains supply connector:
Mains Voltage The actual voltage setting supplied.
Model Number dCS 974
Manufacturers Name and Country of origin (dCS Ltd, UK)
The underside of the unit will have a label on that contains a number such as
974-4B1-6B2-2A1-3A2-12345. This is the unit serial number, but it also contains
vital configuration information. We will need this number (all of it) to give you
support over the phone, or to ship software updates to you.