Configuring VLANs 663
Configuring VLANs (Web)
This section provides information about the OpenManage Switch
Administrator pages for configuring and monitoring VLANs on a Dell
Networking N2000, N3000, and N4000 series switches. For details about the
fields on a page, click at the top of the page.
VLAN Membership
Use the VLAN Membership page to create VLANs and define VLAN groups
stored in the VLAN membership table.
To display the VLAN Membership page, click Switching
Membership in the navigation panel.
The VLAN Membership tables display which Ports and LAGs are members of
the VLAN, and whether they’re tagged (T), untagged (U), or forbidden (F).
The tables have two rows: Static and Current. Only the Static row is
configurable. The Current row is updated either dynamically through GVRP
or when the Static row is changed and Apply is clicked.
There are two tables on the page:
— Displays and assigns VLAN membership to ports. To assign
membership, click in
for a specific port. Each click toggles between
U, T, and blank. See
Ta b le 2 1- 8
for definitions.
— Displays and assigns VLAN membership to LAGs. To assign
membership, click in
for a specific LAG. Each click toggles between
U, T, and blank. See
Ta b le 2 1- 8
for definitions.
Table 21-8. VLAN Port Membership Definitions
Port Control Definition
T Tagged: the interface is a member of a VLAN. All packets forwarded by
the interface in this VLAN are tagged. The packets contain VLAN
U Untagged: the interface is a VLAN member. Packets forwarded by the
interface in this VLAN are untagged.
F Forbidden: indicates that the interface is forbidden from becoming a
member of the VLAN. This setting is primarily for GVRP, which
enables dynamic VLAN assignment.