7 Configuration Command Reference
• <data_rate>
An optional parameter to specify link parameters, required for HSL or ATM operation. The valid values
MTP HSL/LSL Link Parameters
• <board_id>
The logical identity of the board in the range from 0 to one less than the number of boards supported.
• <blink>
The index of the signaling link. It must be in the range 0 to one less than the number of signaling links
licensed on the board.
• <stream>
When <timeslot> is set to a non-zero value, the <stream> parameter is the logical identity of the T1/
E1/J1 Line Interface Unit (LIU) (liu_id) containing the signaling link. It must be in the range 0 to one less
than the number of line interfaces.
• <timeslot>
The timeslot used for signaling in the range 0 to 31. The valid ranges are:
— For a T1 interface: 1 to 24.
— For an E1 interface: 1 to 31.
— For a J1 interface: 1 to 24.
— For HSL operation:
— 0xff - Data rate is set using the optional data rate parameter, if not present data rate defaults based
on LIU type (T1/E1).
— All other values are reserved for future use.
ATM Link Parameters
• <board_id>
The logical identity of the board in the range from 0 to one less than the number of boards supported.
This should be the same value as used in the ATM_STREAM command. If the value selected is different,
then the configuration will be rejected.
• <blink>
The index of the signaling link. It must be in the range 0 to one less than the number of signaling links
licensed on the board.
• <atm_stream>
This defines the logical id of the cell stream over which the link runs.
• <vpi-vci >
This is a compound parameter that identifies the VPI and VCI of the ATM link to be monitored. It is
represented in the form vpi-vci where:
— vpi is the Virtual Path Indicator of the signaling link within the ATM cell stream.
— vci is the Virtual Channel Indicator of the signaling link within the ATM cell stream.
For restrictions on the choice of VPI-VCI combinations refer to Section 6.5.1, “ATM_MSG_CONFIG” on
page 78.
Value Description
TDM single timeslot SS7 LSL (default)
E1_FRAMED HSL structured 31 slot E1 operation
T1_FRAMED HSL structured 24 slot T1/J1 operations
HSL structured 30 slot E1 operation (where timeslots 0 and 16
are not used for signaling)
ATM The command follows the syntax for ATM links