4 Dialogic® DSI SS7MD Board Configuration and Operation
4.1 Regulatory and Geographic Considerations
Certain functions of Dialogic
DSI SS7MD Boards, although implemented in hardware, have selectable
options that are configured by the ss7.dc6 codefile. A user or integrator must consider the requirements of
the application when choosing these settings, but must also consider any local regulatory requirements for
the intended deployment location to ensure a compliant overall system. The table below details some of the
areas where the correct selection of configuration options may be required.
Table 4. Quick Reference to Commonly Configured Parameters
Configuration Area Configuration Options
T1/E1 Ports
Interface type liu_type parameter in LIU_CONFIG command
Pulse shape liu_type parameter in LIU_CONFIG command
Line code line_code parameter in LIU_CONFIG command
Frame format frame_format parameter in LIU_CONFIG command
CRC/E-bit operation CRC_mode parameter in LIU_CONFIG command
Clock priorities flags parameter in SS7_BOARD command
Links Link termination or monitoring mode MTP_LINK or MONITOR_LINK commands