EMC DS-16B2 Switch User Manual

Displaying Error Logs and Status
Syntax supportShow [firstPort, lastPort, nLog]
Description This command is available to all users. It has the effect of running
each of the following commands one after the other in the following
1. version
2. tempShow
3. psShow
4. licenseShow
5. diagShow
6. errDump
7. switchShow
8. portFlagsShow
9. portErrShow
10. mqShow
11. portSemShow
12. portShow
13. portRegShow
14. portRouteShow
15. fabricShow
16. topologyShow
17. qlShow
18. nsShow
19. nsAllShow
20. cfgShow
21. onfigShow
22. faultShow
23. traceShow
24. portLogDump