Where to Get Help
If you purchased your computer in the United States or Canada,
EPSON provides local
customer support and service through a
nationwide networkd of Authorized EPSON Service Centers.
EPSON also provides support
services through the EPSON
Connection. In the United States, dial 1-800-922-891. In Canada,
dial 1-800-GO-EPSON.
Call of EPSON Connection for the following:
Technical assistance with the installation, configuration, and
operation of EPSON products
Assistance in locating your nearest Authorized EPSON
Reseller or Service Center
Assistance with Extra care Road service
Sales of accessories, manuals, or parts for EPSON products
Customer relations
EPSON technical information library fax service
Product literature with technical specifications on current and
new products.
when you call for technical assistance, you need to be able to
identify your system and its configuration, and provide any error
messages to the support staff. See Appendix A for more
If you purchased your computer in the united states or canada,
EPSON also provides Extra Care Road Service. Your ActionNote
package should contain a packet describing the program. If not,
call the EPSON Connection.
4 Introductions