Problem Solving
When the Indicators Provide No Help
If any of the following problems occur and the indicators do not offer a solution, refer to the pages given for each problem.
Problems relating to images Problems when projection starts
Other problems
No images appear page 51
Projection does not start, the projection area is completely black, the projection
area is completely blue, and so on.
Projection stops automatically page 51
The message "Not Supported." is displayed page 51
The message "No Signal." is displayed page 52
Images are fuzzy or out of focus page 52
Interference or distortion appear in images page 53
Problems such as interference, distortion or black & white checked patterns
Image is cut off or too small page 53
Only part of the image is displayed.
Image colors are not right page 54
The whole image appears purplish or greenish, images are black & white, colors
appear dull, and so on. (Computer monitors and LCD screens have different
color reproduction performance, so that the colors projected by the projector and
the colors appearing on the monitor may not necessarily match, but this is not a
sign of a problem.)
Images appear dark page 54
Nothing appears on the external monitor page 54
Power does not turn on page 55
No sound can be heard or the sound is faint page 55
The remote control does not work page 56