Epson RX-8564LC Clock User Manual

RX8564 LC
13.1.6. Alarm registers ( Reg09 [h] to 0C [h] )
Address [h]
Function bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
09 Minute Alarm AE 40 20 10 8 4 2 1
0A Hour Alarm AE
20 10 8 4 2 1
0B Day Alarm AE
20 10 8 4 2 1
0C Weekday Alarm AE
× × × ×
4 2 1
The AIE bit and AF bit can both be set or used when using alarm interrupt function to set interrupt events for dates,
days, hours, minutes, etc.
When the current time matches the settings in the above alarm registers, the AF bit's value is "1" and the /INT
pin's status is low to indicate that an alarm interrupt event has occurred.
For details, see "9.3. Alarm Interrupt Function".
13.1.7. Timer setting register ( Reg0E [h] )
Address [h]
Function bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
0E Timer control TE
× × × × ×
This register is used to control the fixed-cycle timer interrupt function.
To use the fixed-cycle timer interrupt function, the TI/TP bits (Reg01 [h]), timer register (Reg0F [h]), and the
TF and TIE bits are all set or used.
1) TE bit ( Timer Enable )
This bit is used to control operation of the fixed-cycle timer interrupt function.
When "1" is written to this bit, the fixed-cycle timer interrupt function starts operating.
When "0" is written to this bit, the fixed-cycle timer interrupt function stops operating.
For details, see "9.2. Fixed-cycle Timer Interrupt Function ".
2) TD1,TD0 bits ( Timer countDown interval select 1, 0 )
These bits specify the fixed-cycle timer interrupt function's countdown period (source clock).
Four different periods can be selected via combinations of these two bit values.
For details, see "9.2. Fixed-cycle Timer Interrupt Function ".
13.1.8. Down counter for fixed-cycle timer ( Reg0F [h] )
Address [h]
Function bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
0F Timer 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
This register is used to set the default (preset) value for the counter. Any count value from 1 (01 h) to
255 (FFh) can be set
To use the fixed-cycle timer interrupt function, the TE, TI/TP, TF, TIE, TD1, and TD0 bits are set and used.
When this down counter's count value changes from 01h to 00h, when TF bit = "1", or when the /INT pin is at low
level ("L"), it indicates that a fixed-cycle timer interrupt event has occurred.
The current countdown status can be checked by reading this register.
However, since the read data is not held (the data may be changing), to obtain accurate data the countdown
status should be read twice and then compared.
For details, see "9.2. Fixed-cycle Timer Interrupt Function ".