Pre-installation tasks
16 Replication Server
Configure the operating system for asynchronous I/O
HP-UX only – To optimize asynchronous I/O and to prevent the paging of
shared memory, you must grant MLOCK permissions before you install
Replication Server.
To grant MLOCK permissions to a group, enter:
/etc/privgrp add mlock <group name>
/etc/setprivgrp <group name> MLOCK
Understand the installation directory structure
Most components of Replication Server are installed in their own
subdirectories, with the executable program, installation and configuration
tools, and display-related files needed by the component. The naming
convention for subdirectories includes a component identifier, such as REP
(for Replication Server) or OCS (for Open Client™ and Open Server™), and
the software release version, such as 15_0.
Replication Server 15.0 includes a new version of Replication Server and many
of its supporting components. Other Sybase products may contain earlier
versions of the same components. Installing Replication Server 15.0 into the
same directory containing these existing products, will not impact the products.
However, if you are using other Sybase products, installing Replication Server
15.0 in a separate directory may cause some environment variables to change.
You will have to reset the environment variables in order to make the individual
products work.
Note Replication Server 15.0 may be installed in the same directory as
Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) and OCS versions 12.5.1 or later.