CHAPTER 2 Installing Replication Server
Installation Guide for UNIX 29
cd /device_name
./setup -is:javahome JVM
cd /cdrom
cd /cdrom/rs150solaris
2 You might see the following error message:
Error writing file = There may not be enough
temporary disk space. Try using -is:tempdir to use a
temporary directory on a partition with more disk
If so, set the temporary directory to another directory that has more disk
space by entering the following at the command line, where
directory_name is the name of the temporary directory to which
InstallShield will write its temporary files:
setup -is:tempdir directory_name
This directory should have at least 100MB of disk space.
3 Select Next.
4 Choose your geographic location in the license and copyright agreement
5 Read the Sybase license agreement and select “I agree.” Click Next. You
must agree to the license and copyright before you can continue.
6 In the install directory window, click Next to accept the default directory
for the installation ($SYBASE or /opt/sybase), or enter a different directory
7 If the installation directory you chose does not exist, InstallShield
The directory does not exist. Do you want to create it?
8 Click Yes. If the installation directory you selected exists, and contains a
prior installation, InstallShield prompts you with the following message:
You have chosen to install into an existing
directory. Any older versions of the products you
choose to install that are detected in this directory