CHAPTER 2 Installing Replication Server
Installation Guide for UNIX 35
Do not use special characters for the path name, such as blanks or periods.
2 Specify the setup type, where installation_type specifies the type of
installation (Full, Typical, or Custom):
-W setupTypes.selectedSetupTypeId=installation_type
If you specify either the Full or Typical installation, you do not need to
uncomment the individual features; these features have been predefined as
If you choose the Custom installation, you must uncomment the desired
features and set their values to “true.”
3 The last line in the response file allows you to specify if you want to start
a sample Replication Server. You must uncomment this line and specify
either “yes” or “no” (case sensitive; use all lowercase):
-W ConfigureReplicationServer.Yes-or-No="no"
Installing in console mode with a response file
A console mode installation using a response file lets you accept all defaults as
you move through an interactive text installation, because the values come
from a response file that you have set up.
Follow the same steps as you would for a regular console installation, but at the
command line, enter:
• HP-UX and Solaris:
./setup -console -options REP.response -W\
./setup -console -options REP.response -is:javahome JVM\
-W SybaseLicense.agreeToLicense=true
Installing in silent mode
A silent mode installation, sometimes referred to as an unattended installation,
allows you to install the product using a response file to set default values,
without any interaction required on your part.
Follow the same steps as you would for a console installation, but at the
command line, enter:
• HP-UX and Solaris: