Extron electronic IN1404XT Switch User Manual

3-9IN1404XT Video Scaler and Switcher • Operation
Gamma screen
The gamma filters are available for interlaced component video, S-video, and
composite video inputs only.
The Gamma screen displays a status indicator that shows the selected gamma filter.
The scaler has 30 programmed gamma filters that compensate for the non-linear
response of many display devices. Use the Menu
and buttons to step to lower-
or higher-numbered gamma curves through a range of 1 to 30. The default setting
is 10, which selects a gamma correction curve of 1.0.
For best results, before selecting the gamma filter, set the brightness and
contrast controls to their factory default settings of 128 (see Brightness
screen and Contrast screen in this chapter). Once the optimum gamma filter
is selected, fine tune the output with the brightness and contrast controls.
Noise Filter screen
The noise filters are available for interlaced component video, S-video, and
composite video inputs only.
The Noise Filter screen displays a status indicator that shows the selected noise
filter. Use the Menu
and buttons to step to lower- or higher-numbered noise
filters through a range of 0 to 47. The default setting is 9.
Increasing the noise filter setting gives the visual affect of decreasing the
sharpness (see Sharpness screen in this chapter). Although the two filters
appear to counteract each other, the two adjustments are completely separate.
Adjust both settings for optimum picture quality.
Comb/Trap selection screen
The Comb/Trap selection screen is available for composite video inputs only.
The Comb/Trap selection screen displays the currently selected Y/C separation
filter (comb filter or trap filter) and provides the ability to change the unselected
filter. The selected filter is indicated by an arrow ().
To change the selected filter, use the Menu
or button to highlight the desired
filter and press the Enter (and save) button. In general, the trap filter is the better
setting when scaling composite video from a VCR, but try both filters to determine
which is best for your application.
Reset Video screen
The Reset Video screen provides the ability to reset all of the video settings for the
selected input to the factory defaults. Use the Menu
button to highlight “Yes”
and press the Enter (and save) button to reset the video input. Use the button to
highlight “No” and press the Enter button to exit the screen without resetting the
video input (or back out of the screen by pressing the Menu button).
Audio menu
Figure 3-8 is a flowchart that shows an overview of the Audio menu, its submenus,
and their available settings.
Bass screen
The Bass screen displays a status indicator that shows the bass setting for the
selected input. Bass enhances or attenuates the lower frequencies of the audio
signal. Use the Menu
and buttons to increase or decrease the lower frequencies
through a range of 6 to 27. The default setting is 16 (0dB, no gain or attenuation).