
Chapter 11 System Management
11.2 Functions in the Action Area for System
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
Connection check operator
Select "Notification (Standard E-Mail format)", "Notification (Simple E-Mail format for cell phone)"
or "Not Notification" for the connection check operator of the setting confirmation result at the
REMCS center.
If notifying, input the "Connection check operator E-Mail Address".
Specify the "Connection check operator" if there is another person who needs to be notified of the
setting confirmation result, other than the administrator.
Connection check operator E-Mail Address
If notifying the connection check operator of the setting confirmation result at the REMCS center,
input the E-mail address.
The following input condition applies:
- Up to 60 alphanumeric characters and symbols (except space)
Time Information
SMTP Response Timeout (sec.)
Input the timeout limit when using SMTP connection.
The following input condition applies:
- Numeric characters ("1" - "3600")
SMTP Retry Count
Input the retry number of SMTP.
The following input condition applies:
- Numeric characters ("1" - "60")
SMTP Retry Interval (sec.)
Input the intervals for retrying SMTP.
The following input condition applies:
- Numeric characters ("1" - "3600")
HTTP Timeout (sec.)
Input the timeout limit when using HTTP connection.
The following input condition applies:
- Numeric characters ("1" - "3600")
HTTP Retry Count
Input the retry number of HTTP.
The following input condition applies:
- Numeric characters ("1" - "60")
HTTP Retry Interval (sec.)
Input the intervals for retrying HTTP.
The following input condition applies:
- Numeric characters ("1" - "3600")
Queue Time before Sending Mails (msec.) (only when POP Before SMTP authentication is enabled)
Input the waiting time for sending mail.
The following input condition applies:
- Numeric characters ("1" - "3600")
The timer parameter settings do not normally require modification.
If changing the default value, select the "Change following Timing Parameter items" checkbox.