Configuring Your Gateway
Disabling Proxy Settings in Safari
The following procedure describes how to disable proxy settings in Safari.
1. Start Safari.
2. Click the Safari menu and select Preferences.
3. Click the Advanced tab.
4. In the Advanced tab, click the Change Settings button.
5. Choose your location from the Location list (this is generally Automatic).
6. Select your connection method. If using a wired connection, select Built-in Ethernet. For
wireless, select Airport.
7. Click the Proxies tab.
8. Be sure each proxy in the list is unchecked.
9. Click Apply Now to finish.
Disabling Firewall and Security Software
Disable any firewall or security software that may be running on your computer. For more
information, refer to the documentation for your firewall.
Confirming Your Gateway’s Link Status
Confirm that the LINK LED on the Gateway front panel is ON (see Figure 1 on page 11). If
the LED is OFF, replace the Ethernet cable connecting your computer and Gateway.
SMCD3GN Wireless Cable Modem Gateway User Manual