Configuring Your Gateway
Port Forwarding Menu
The Port Forwarding menu lets you configure the Gateway to provide port-forwarding
services that let Internet users access predefined services such as HTTP (80), FTP (20/21),
and AIM/ICQ (5190) as well as custom-defined services. You perform port forwarding by
redirecting the WAN IP address and the service port to the local IP address and service port.
You can configure a maximum of 100 predefined and custom-defined services.
To access the Port Forwarding menu, click NAT in the menu bar and then click the Port
Forwarding submenu in the menu bar. Figure 18 shows an example of the menu.
Figure 24. Port Forwarding Settings Menu
Adding a Port Forwarding Entry for a Predefined Service
Using the following procedure, you can select well-known services and specify the LAN host
IP address(es) that will provide the service to the Internet.
1. In the Port Forwarding menu, click the Add button below the Predefined Service Table.
The Predefined Service menu appears (see Figure 19).
2. Complete the fields in the Predefined Service menu (see Table 7). (Or click Back to return
to the Port Forwarding Settings menu or Cancel to cancel any selections you made.)
3. Click Apply. The Port Forwarding menu reappears, with the predefined service you
configured shown in the Predefined Service Table.
SMCD3GN Wireless Cable Modem Gateway User Manual