the maximum width of an element in modules. See “module,” “modular
nanometer; nanometre: A unit of measure used to define the wavelength (and
hence color) of light. One nanometre is one thousand millionth of a meter (10
meters), or ten angstroms. Abbreviation: nm.
NDC (National Drug Code): A ten-digit code number assigned to
pharmaceuticals and administered by the Food and Drug Administration. In a
UPC implementation, these numbers use the UPC number system character 3
as the first digit. NDCs can appear in a 4-4-2, 5-4-1, or 5-3-2 format,
representing the manufacturer identification number and the item code.
NHRIC (National Health Related Items Code): A ten-digit code number
assigned to health care devices and other non-pharmaceutical health-related
items and administered by the Food and Drug Administration. In the UPC
implementation, these numbers use the UPC number system character 3 as the
first digit NHRICs can appear in a 4-6 or 5-5 format.
NIST: National Institue for Standards and Technology.
nominal: Denoting the 'standard' or 'ideal' values of specified parameters of the
elements that make up the characters of symbols.
nominal width: The intended width of an element.
non-read; no-read; non-scan: Lack of data output when a machine-readable
symbol is scanned due to a defective symbol, incorrect orientation or speed of
scan, scanner failure, or operator error. Compare to “misread.”
normal: Perpendicular to the surface of a plane.
number system character: (UCC Prefix) The first, or left-hand, digit in a UPC
number; identifies different numbering systems. Items carry a 0, 6, or 7;
random weight items such as meat, poultry or seafood carry a 2; NDC/NHRIC
items carry a 3; retailers may use a 4 for in-store marking, coupons carry a 5;
and UCC Prefixes 1, 8, and 9 are unidentified for use at this time. Only UCC
Prefix 0 is valid for the six-digit UPC Version E symbol.
numeric: Denoting a character set that includes only numbers. See
orientation: Positioning with respect to a specific direction or plane. See
“ladder orientation,” “picket fence orientation.”
orientation pattern: A unique spatial arrangement of dark and light modules in
a symbology used to detect the spatial orientation of the symbol.
overall scan grade: The lowest grade received by any of the following
parameters: edge determination, overall profile reflectance grade, decode, and
decodability defined in international print quality documents.