Reflectometer: A device that measures the amount of light reflected from an
illuminated surface.
resolution: (1) A measure of the fineness of detail of an image that a piece of
equipment can produce or distinguish. (2) The narrowest bar dimension that
can be produced by a particular device or method or scanned successfully by a
particular scanner.
sample area: The effective area of the symbol within the field of view of the
measuring device.
scan: (noun): A single pass of a scanning beam over the symbol or a portion of
a symbol. (verb): To pass a scanning beam over a symbol or a portion of a
scan reflectance profile: The plot of the variations in reflectance, with distance,
along a scan path through a symbol, representing the analog waveform produced
by a device scanning the symbol.
scan profile: A record of reflectance measured as a function of position during a
scan across the entire bar code symbol.
scan speed: The speed at which the scanning spot of a scanner passes across
a symbol. Scan speed is expressed in centimeters per second or inches per
scanner: An electronic device to acquire and convert reflected light from the
bars and spaces of a symbol into electrical signals for processing by the decoder.
SCC-14: The 14-digit structure used within the UCC and EAN systems for
product identification and level of packaging, formerly known as the U.P.C.
Shipping Container Code and EAN Despatch Unit.
self-checking (character self-checking): A property of a symbology whereby a
checking algorithm is applied to each character in the symbol; substitution errors
can then only occur if two or more separate printing defects occur within one
character. Symbols that are not self-checking usually have a check character
added to the encoded data.
shift character: A symbology character that is used to switch from one code set
to another for a single character, or in the case of "double shift" or "triple shift"
characters, for two or three characters respectively, following which data
encodation reverts automatically to the code set from which the shift was
show-through: The effect of a dark surface or pattern underlying a substrate on
the reflectance value(s) of the symbol or substrate.
space: An area of relatively high reflectance between the bars in a machine-
readable symbol.